Bingbon Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds
press release

Bingbon Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds

THELOGICALINDIAN - The crypto barter has chip Chainlink

Bingbon has chip DeFi’s top oracle.

Bingbon Now Using Chainlink

In a aggregate of centralized and decentralized systems, Bingbon is now application and allotment the industry-leading Chainlink Price Feeds to accommodate users with the best authentic and abreast prices on crypto assets.

Bingbon’s users can anon admission the top amount benchmarks via Bingbon’s website and app. This affiliation marks the starting point for approaching integrations with Chainlink’s Amount Feeds, such as ambit breakers in its defalcation mechanism.

Chainlink is the best broadly acclimated amount advertence for DeFi, and additionally one of the best time-tested and historically reliable decentralized amount augment solutions in the cryptocurrency industry, auspiciously accepting tens of billions of dollars of amount beyond DeFi, and continues to move into CeFi infrastructure. Through their decentralized arrangement of exceptional abstracts providers and able bulge operators, Chainlink Amount Feeds action high-quality, tamper-proof amount advertence abstracts that has approved able animation to beam crashes, abstracts abetment attacks, and barter downtimes.

Bingbon is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading belvedere with an accent on amusing trading features. Bingbon offers a array of casework including a fiat-to-crypto aperture and admission to atom markets, derivatives markets with leverage, and audience accounts. As of writing, Bingbon has facilitated a accumulative trading aggregate of $171 billion beyond users from added than 100 countries.

Some of the best notable appearance of Chainlink as a trusted and reliable amount augment band-aid include:

High-Quality Abstracts — abstracts is sourced from abundant exceptional abstracts aggregators, arch to volume-adjusted all-around bazaar prices with bazaar advantage beyond all-important trading platforms that are bankrupt of outliers and apprehensive volumes.

Reliable Nodes — basement is anchored by a decentralized arrangement of independent, security-reviewed nodes run by arch blockchain DevOps teams with a accurate history of believability during bazaar animation and arrangement congestion.

Decentralized Infrastructure—both the sourcing and manual of abstracts on-chain are decentralized processes, removing any axial point of abortion to accomplish aerial availability and tamper-resistance.

Transparent Monitoring—Chainlink provides a able-bodied acceptability framework and set of on-chain ecology accoutrement that acquiesce users to apart verify the actual and real-time achievement of amount feeds.

Elvisco Carrington, Communications and Partnership Manager at Bingbon, said of the integration:

“Integrating Chainlink’s Price Feeds into our centralized systems was absolutely a astute move. This affiliation does wonders for our users by accouterment them with guidelines and a point of advertence in agreement of cryptocurrency barter rates. We attending advanced to added cooperation with the Chainlink Labs aggregation to access the robustness of our belvedere through the Chainlink Price Feed.”

Chainlink is the industry accepted answer arrangement for powering amalgam acute contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Answer Networks accommodate developers with the better accumulating of high-quality abstracts sources and defended off-chain computations to aggrandize the capabilities of acute affairs on any blockchain. Managed by a global, decentralized community, Chainlink currently secures billions of dollars in amount for acute affairs beyond decentralized accounts (DeFi), insurance, gaming, and added above industries.

Chainlink is trusted by hundreds of organizations, from all-around enterprises to projects at the beginning of the blockchain economy, carrying absolute accuracy via secure, reliable answer networks. To apprentice added about Chainlink, appointment and subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter. To accept the abounding eyes of the Chainlink Network, apprehend the Chainlink 2.0 whitepaper. Want to altercate an integration? Talk to an expert.

Head to the afterward links to apprentice more:

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Bingbon is a fintech aggregation that aims to accomplish the crypto bazaar attainable and attainable to the apple and enabling all participants from all walks of activity to advance in a simple and cellophane way.

Bingbon is a crypto barter alms both atom & derivatives trading services. Bingbon started as a derivatives barter in 2025 but after entered the atom trading amphitheatre in 2025.

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For added information, acquaintance Kim Bazak at [email protected].